Our stocks
The State Archives of North Rhine-Westphalia contain records from three historical areas: the Rhineland, Westphalia and Lippe. Our records start with early mediaeval documents and go as far as archival records and data from the recent past. Records in the State Archives of North Rhine-Westphalia are state records, i.e. they mostly come from state authorities such as the North Rhine-Westphalian state government and its historical predecessors. However, they do not include records of local authorities, churches, private companies, etc., as such entities mostly have their own archives.
Brief descriptions of stocks can be found on the pages of each department, i.e. the Rhineland, Westphalia or East Westphalia-Lippe Department. A detailed overview is provided in a publication entitled Das Gedächtnis des Landes NRW (The Memories of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia) and the stock lists of the individual departments.
Click here to navigate directly to the stocks of the departments:
Stocks of the East Westphalia-Lippe Department in Detmold
Nichtstaatliche Unterlagen gesucht
Das Landesarchiv kann neben staatlichen Unterlagen auch nichtamtliches Archivgut von öffentlichem Interesse übernehmen. Für die historische Forschung sind dabei authentische Quellen solcher Lebensbereiche von Interesse, die in staatlicher Überlieferung nicht oder nicht hinreichend dokumentiert sind. Verfügen Sie, Ihre Familie oder Ihr Verein/Verband über Unterlagen, die in das Überlieferungsprofil des Landesarchivs NRW passen?